Get Involved with Connect Church
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Connect Men
The men of the church meet the 3rd Tuesday of each month for food and fellowship.
Connect Women
The women of the church meet for food and fellowship the 4th Monday of each month.
Connecting Grounds
This Ministry is run by Sandi Gleich 970-203-4388.
Members come in early to prepare coffee, tea, and snacks before & after services during our Connect Community time. They also clean up after the services.
This Minisrty is run by Al Delucia 706-212-8122
We have both inside and outside greeters who love to welcome people to Connect Church. We look for those who like people, have a friendly face, and don’t mind getting to church 30 minutes early, and staying 15-20 minutes after services to be encouraging to those leaving.
Heart 2 Heart Grief Ministry
This Ministry is run by Pat Holt 614- 785-0980
This group meets the 1st & 3rd Wednesday each month to give a voice to their hurting hearts and to encourage each other in their shared grief experiences. They also give advice as to finding assistance for areas that were once provided by someone they lost.
Helping Hands Ministry
This Ministry is run by Pam Barton 386/235-4347
Helping Hands engages those who are willing to pick up medical, food, or other light needs someone in Connect Church might need and can not get themselves. They are also willing to take/pick up someone to a Dr. visit or other needful appointment. Sometimes there is a need to change a lightbulb or other light duty task to help them with.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
This Ministry is run by Pat Holt 614-785-0980
This group gathers monthly to make shawls for those who are experiencing a serious physical, mental, or emotional hurt. They pray over the finished product asking that the person receiving it feels the love of the Lord when they use it, and that they remember that Connect Church loves them too.
Sanctuary Friend
This Ministry is run by Theresa Meade 516-965-2722
This ministry pays particular attention to those who come in alone. They offer to sit with them or connect them with others who come alone so that everyone has a friend at Connect Church.