Light Post Christmas Lights for Spruce Creek South

This Christmas season Connect Church is offering assistance with getting your light post light bulbs changed.   This is available to residents who live in the Spruce Creek South Retirement Community, located in Summerfield FL, who need help changing the light post bulbs on their property to the red or green bulbs at Christmas time.  We will also return the post back to its original lighting after Christmas. 

The service is provided by the Connect Men who serve through Connect Church which is located in the shopping center north of the "back gate" of Spruce Creek South in Summerfield FL.  


There is no charge for this service. 


Steps in receiving the assistance:

1. Know the color of light your post should be during this time of year. 

2. Obtain that colored bulb from a local hardware store or order it on Amazon.  

3. Fill out the form at the bottom of this page and hit, "send".  

4. If your submission is successful you will see a message that you have been added to the list for the assistance. 

5. Expect someone to change the light during the week of Nov 29 - Dec 4.  You will receive a call or text that day so that you are home when it is changed.    

6.  Expect someone to change the light back during the week of Jan 5-11.  You will receive a call or text that day so that you are home when it is changed.  

Assistance Request Form


Connect Men and Connect Church are offering this as assistance to those who struggle to change their light post bulbs during the Christmas season.  We are not comprised of licensed and bonded electricians, nor do we offer this as compensated assistance.  This project is seen by Connect Church as a neighbor helping neighbor opportunity.


Connect Men nor is Connect Church responsible for the maintenance or repairs of any light post in Spruce Creek South, or any other location, at any time.  

Connect Men nor is Connect Church responsible for any accident that occurs while changing the light bulbs on any property.